Thursday, October 15, 2009

Officially Blogging! First Post!

A little bit about me to start...

I was born and raised in Buffalo, New York - in the actual city of Buffalo - not the surburbs. To be more specific, SOUTH Buffalo - the "Irish" part of town, where you were identified by what Catholic grammar school you attended, what side of the "crick" you lived on, and who your cousins were (because let's face it - everyone in South Buffalo is related, in one way or another!).

I had always loved the arts... sketching, painting, etc. and developed an interest in animation in high school. I attended Rochester Institute of Technology for Film, Video and Animation but by my senior year I started to become more interested in the art of photography. RIT is the place to be for photographers, but instead of starting over and attending (and paying for) another four years, I absorbed what I could from a few photo electives and went on my way. I had a part time job at Tops during high school, and they allowed me to work during my college breaks... and thankfully I transitioned from being a not-so-smiley-faced cashier to a visibly happier employee of the one-hour photo lab.

So my first photo-related job was at a grocery store... but I loved it!! Not only did I get to laugh at photos from the grocery managers in the hot tub on their vacations, but I actually learned a thing or two. Since the mini lab job, I've also worked in a pro lab, as an assistant wedding photographer and production editor in a pro studio and I've even worked in the retail end selling cameras.

By far, the place I learned the most was at Knight Studio in Williamsville, NY (hi guys!!!). From Photoshopping to album design to mat cutting and of course the talent behind the camera, I absorbed TONS from my experience there thanks to Robert, Jenica and Jessica. The only reason I left my position was to give life a try in Florida with my then-boyfriend turned fiance turned husband. Florida was....... not really for us. As soon as the opportunity presented itself, we were outta there!! Today we find ourselves living in Albany, NY hoping to someday make it back to Buffalo.

And now I find myself searching for work in my field... easier said than done! So at the suggestion of friends I've decided to put my love of photography out there and offer my services to the (photo) needy. At the very least I can keep myself occupied with the things that I love, and maybe even pay a few bills in the process! Fingers crossed!!

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